Thank you for signing up! Enjoy these Guided Meditations!

A Call to Presence: Guided meditation in becoming more tender and intimate while bathing in the liberating grace of what it means to be human.
Holding On - Letting Go: Guided meditation brings you into balance and allows you to shift from holding on, to letting go and letting be. Inspired by Healing Rage course.
Affirming Your Goodness: guided meditation offers affirmations that remind you of who you are and support a tranquil mind and heart. Inspired by The Emotional Wisdom Cards.
May we understand and transform racial habits of harm
May we remember that we belong to each other
May we understand that what we do can help or hinder racial well-being
May our thoughts and actions reflect the world we want to live in and leave behind
May we look after ourselves and others with great care
May we heal the seeds of separation inherited from our ancestors in gratitude for this life
May all beings be free from animosity, free from oppression, and free from trouble
May all beings without exception benefit from our growing awareness
May our thoughts and actions be ceremonies of well-being for all races
May we honor being diverse racial beings within the human race
May we meet the racial cries of the world with as much wisdom and grace as we can muster
A Few Cheers!