Make Joy a Habit

Why not make joy a habit. I’m not talking about superficial joy from external conditions or circumstances, but rather the joy that is our nature—something we open wide to and wallow in. For example, I awoke this morning to the sound of birds chirping. As I paused and sunk into this moment, allowing the sound to touch me, I was tickled by the song they sang. I then let the cat out and the cool morning air briskly brushed my face, feeling like an invisible lover. As I write this, I feel the pounding of my heart, slow and steady. I'm excited to be pulsating with life and with sharing my joy with you. What joys are you opening to? In what ways are you sharing them? Make joy a habit then share it broadly.

1 thought on “Make Joy a Habit”

  1. Beautifully said!! I am blessed to be open to such joy especially in the environment in which we live and thru the practice of mindfulness I am able to find joy in not the best of circumstances! So thankful for meditation and practicing mindfulness:))

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