Are you ready to go beyond the surface in your understanding of race, to go beyond well-meaning intent to understanding your impact? Welcome to Questioning Racial Habits of Harm—a guided meditative inquiry designed to help you recognize and shift deeply ingrained habits of harm. By examining your patterns, you nurture a more practical alignment with your core values, discovering how mindful awareness can support meaningful change in how you show up in the world.
In this contemplation, you are gently guided to:
- Reflect on your racial conditioning with compassion and curiosity.
- Discover what supports your commitment to equity and inclusion.
- Realize new pathways toward living in alignment with your values.
Questioning Racial Habits of Harm invites you to into a quiet reflection; to slow down, look within, and make space for genuine understanding and change. This is your opportunity to create a more conscious and caring presence in all aspects of your life.
Ready to begin this powerful journey? Grab a glass of water, sit back, relax, and listen!
Don’t watch your tongue, watch your thoughts, because the tongue doesn’t wag itself. – Bhante Gunaratana