The Online Academy was established to support influencers and organizations seeking to engage in the inner work of racial healing. Founded by Ruth King, the Online Academy's educational courses provide you with an introspective investigation of your racial conditioning, its impact, and our collective potential.


MINDFUL OF RACE:  Transforming Racism from the Inside Out

This powerful and penetrating book offers us healing medicine for the great suffering of racism. Ruth King, a deeply wise and caring mindfulness teacher and diversity consultant, not only helps us understand the complexity of our great racial divide, she offers a core of practices, reflections and actions that gives us hope for transformation. Our world needs this book. We need this book. Please read with a receptive heart, and share with all you know! - Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge

HEALING RAGE: Women Making Inner Peace Possible

A classic…filled with the passion, earthiness, and wisdom of a self-described wounded healer…This is a book that can change your life. ~ Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize Winner for The Color Purple

Healing Rage Book

Ben Rubin

Co-Founder and CEO at Ten Percent Happier

The Brave Space core teachings are quite powerful. And as an organization that is at the intersection of doing racial equity work and mindfulness, the approach that you brought was a powerful pairing for folks at Ten Percent Happier.

Novelette DeMercado

Founder & Chief Possibility Director, BETA Coaching and Consulting

If you're considering this exploration, it's worth your while and your time to dedicate the 12 months to unpacking what it is to be a racialized being and to bring mindfulness to it.

Tanisha Pleasant

Tanisha Pleasant, MBA

Director of Equity Strategy, Strive Together

In our year together, Ruth did a great job drawing the connection between mindfulness and race equity work, and showing us how to remain grounded, strategic and systemic while doing this important work.

Tanisha Pleasant
Susan Bauer-Wu

Susan Bauer-Wu

President, Mind & Life Institute

The Mindful of Race training opened our eyes; it put a fire under us and allowed us to get real. To move the needle, it's critical to engage people who are knowledgeable and can guide us on this journey. The work is deep and the ripples continue.

Susan Bauer-Wu
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