
Awakening Together: Embracing Social Justice in the Dharma Hall

As an African American lesbian elder and educator of the dharma, I am often challenged by students and teachers who feel that raising social and political issues within the dharma hall is inappropriate if not distracting from practice. I often will hear: I’m here to work on my mind, to be free from suffering. But […]

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Nothing is Personal, Permanent or Perfect!

Nothing in life is Personal, Permanent, or Perfect! Liberative insight is the core practice of insight (Vipassana) meditation, or mindfulness meditation. The distinction of insight meditation from other forms of meditation is that we’re investigating the nature of our existence, of phenomenon, and of our activity of mind, in order to liberate ourselves from suffering. 

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Why Genocide

Why I said Genocide & How we move forward together. Dear friends, I deeply appreciate the comments I have received from my last blog post, those of you who felt affirmed and particularly those of you who questioned my use of the term genocide. To engage in a semantic debate on the use of the

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Stop The Genocide!

There is a genocide occurring of innocent people in Gaza, not to mention in many parts of the world. Have you noticed? Can you feel it? Then what?  What’s happening in Gaza is horrific and, sadly, not new nor is it uncommon to see greed, hatred, and delusion manifest at a raw and vile extreme

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Beyond Black History Month: Navigating the Complexities of Racial Awareness

In a society grappling with fever-pitch social violence, political hostility, and systemic threats to equality, it’s not uncommon for individuals to harbor mixed feelings about Black History Month. The discomfort arises from a sense of hypocrisy – a dissonance between the month-long celebration and the pervasive issues that persist before and beyond February.  While the

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The Contagion of Kindness

On a two-week visit to Italy, my wife and I spent a day on Piazza San Marco, often referred to as St. Mark’s Square in Venice. We had just missed the boat to our hotel, and we had 45 minutes before the next one. So we backtracked to an outside café on the Square that

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Navigating Uncomfortable Conversations: Looking In Before Acting Out

When engaged in discussions that expose vulnerability and challenge our beliefs, the concept of “presence” becomes invaluable. Being present means immersing ourselves fully in the moment, without judgment or preconceived notions. It’s about active listening, not just with our ears but with our hearts and minds. Cultivating presence in the face of our own racial

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Exploring the Significance of Race in Leadership

The Relevance of Racial Concerns Matters of race are not confined to a specific group; they resonate with everyone because they touch upon fundamental aspects of our society, culture, and personal values. Engaging with these issues is essential for creating a more aware world where everyone’s dignity and rights are respected. The Crucial Role of

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Enhancing Focus: Weaving racial intention into the fabric of mindfulness meditation

“Meditation helps us discover that our thoughts and feelings are not permanent states; rather, they are crucial experiences to attend to. The relief of racial distress can begin with working respectfully with our minds.” Imagine that as you prepare to meditate, you set an intention to be more curious about your racial habits of mind.

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